5 Hacks To Support Immunity During Winters

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Life of a hustler is never easy. The better balanced your approach to work and life, better the chances of your excelling at both! Here are 5 simple tips to be awesome, whatever you do this winter season.


Your body may not show it's intent as clearly but research says we drink less water in winters and this leads to muscles cramps, spasms, dehydration etc. Add liquids in your diet in the form of juice (carrots , oranges, and a whole lot of winter greens are delicious and nutritious) , Prana Superfoods herbal tisanes (not to confuse with tea/coffee) or even flavored water (use the herbal tisanes to add color and flavors here!)


Ayurveda says skin is our biggest organ and everything we use on it, seeps through (in the slightest but substantial quantities to cause a reaction). The practice of oil massage created a barrier between the outer world and our body, thus nourishing and protecting it along. Sesame oil is considered the best for all seasons. 


It's a no brainer to us Indians (garam garam roti is a must in a lot of households still) that food is best eaten warm. But the hustlers often don't pay heed to what goes in their systems when on the run. Choose the warmer alternative, carry your dabba to reheat, look up delivery options when travelling. 



After oiling the body from the outside, it's time to add some  'fuel' on the inside. Topping salads, veggies, rotis with  fat of choice gives energy and supports cell function. 


Winters are the ideal time to spice things up (in the bed as well as the kitchen), after all, we need that heat! 

Don't shy away from adding spices generously. Garam masala is called so for a reason, it is heating! So is turmeric, chai masala and a lot of other spices. You may also add Prana Superfoods winter special pickles like mountain garlic pickle or raw turmeric pickle for a healthy dose of warmth each day. 

We hope this simple, doable list of things will keep you healthy and well this winter season. Don't forget to share this list with your friends and family.



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